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Tax Bill Will Wait

The incoming Biden Administration has made some proposals that would affect our taxes, prominently including a complete rollback of the 2017 tax cut for taxpayers with income above $400,000. The plan would also tax capital gains at the same rates as ordinary income for people with more than $1 million in income. The corporate tax rate would rise from 21% to 28%.

Mortgage Rates—and Affordability—Are Down

The most recent Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey showed that we are now in uncharted territory with regard to home mortgage rates. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage came in at 2.65%, the lowest rate in the survey’s history, dating back to 1971. 15-year fixed rate mortgages averaged 2.16%.

Vaccine Progress by State

Chances are, unless you’re a healthcare worker or living in a nursing home, you are still waiting for the opportunity to get vaccinated against the dreaded COVID-19 virus. And you might be wondering how effectively your state is managing the vaccination rollout.

The Soaring Crypto

What was the highest performing asset over the decade ending on January 1? U.S. stocks? International bonds? Commodities? The stock market of a random emerging nation?

The Real Statistics on Pet Adoption

You might have read that people who were forced to put their social lives on hold due to the coronavirus adopted dogs and cats in record numbers last year, wiping out the population of these popular animals in shelters. As it happens, this was a bit of an exaggeration.

Optimizing Capacity in Your Auto Insurance Policy

For many people, structuring their auto insurance policy comes down to obtaining the greatest amount of coverage at the lowest cost. Because auto insurance has become commoditized, the focus often shifts to the premium amount as the primary point of comparison, which is fine as long as you don’t lose sight of what it is you are trying to protect.

Financial Resolutions: 6 Tips to keep you Accountable

After the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, we dig up our hopes and dreams and make some resolutions. Getting back in the gym, losing weight, and eating clean, are usually at the top of the list, but what about your finances? The health of your accounts, spending habits, and investments are just as important to evaluate.

Don’t Like Where You are Financially? Change Your Behavior

When people decide that they need to eat healthier or lose weight, they know that they have to change their behavior. That’s easier said than done for most, which is why programs like Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers are so popular; because they provide a system for automatically controlling portions and nutrition.

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